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Continued 👨‍💻

  • Metadata
    • #life #learning #personal
  • Cheatsheets
    • At a glance summary of everything I've learned
    • [[Data Science Cheat Sheet]]
    • [[Python Cheat Sheet]]
    • [[SQL Cheat Sheet]]
    • [[Good Coding Practice]]
    • [[Design Patterns]]
  • Roadmaps
    • [[Data Science Learning]]
      • Be able to prototype DS solutions with high confidence at work
      • Be able to explain ML and AI concepts to experts and 5 year old
    • [[Data Engineering Learning]]
      • Be able to deploy and maintain production level solutions at work
    • [[Python Learning]]
      • Comfortable with python concepts and algorithm to be able tackle problems with efficient and apt solutions
    • [[Transportation]]
      • Be able to anchor software solution within the field of transportation
    • [[Economics]]
    • [[Finance]]
      • Notes on basic personal finance and financial freedom plans